Coastal management
The conservation and restoration of habitats such as sandy and rocky beaches, intertidal flats, estuaries, deltas, coastal dunes, mangroves, salt marshes and shallow waters, and the implementation of measures to prevent their loss or degradation, are at the core of coastal planning for the conservation of 51 focal species prioritized by AFI; whose migratory cycles are closely dependent on the health of these ecosystems and their productivity.



- Sand mining, beach replenishment, and construction on beaches and islands have altered and destroyed important nesting, feeding, and roosting habitats for shorebirds.
- The health of the oceans and their resources directly and indirectly impacts the quality of life of people and birds. Therefore, their integrated management is essential to conserve, maintain and responsibly use coastal marine natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. In this way, sustainable economic growth can be promoted that links livelihoods compatible with nature.
Learn about the areas in which we work and the types of projects we finance.