It helps to overcome obstacles and strengthen technical and institutional capacity to foster favorable environments for the success of AFI projects.
It will develop tools that facilitate the selection and structuring of business cases, provide comprehensive training, integrate information from birds into decision making, and enable monitoring and evaluation of the initiative.
Specifically, the following actions will be implemented in this component:
Design of regulatory approaches.
Enabling reforms.
Development of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks.
Promotion of best practices.
Training and capacity building.
Consensus building for projects.
Promote effective governance.
Empower multi-sector strategic coalitions.
Dissemination and communication.
Design of regulatory approaches.
Enabling reforms.
Development of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks.
We are working in partnership with the Nature Based Infrastructure Centre to value the natural capital and ecosystem services that the Rocuant Andalién Wetland represents in Chile.
We are working in partnership with the Nature Based Infrastructure Centre to value the natural capital and ecosystem services that the Rocuant Andalién Wetland represents in Chile.